Registered Political Party Contact Information (as of January 28, 2025)

How do I register a political party?

You need the signatures of 2,500 voters, 1,000 of whom must reside in at least 10 different constituencies (minimum of 100 electors in each).

Once registered under the Act, a political party is entitled to incur expenses, solicit and receive contributions, participate in the Province’s political contributions tax credit regime, and to field candidates for election to the Legislative Assembly.

Registered political parties in an election/by-election year are also entitled, where eligible, to receive reimbursement of a portion of lawfully incurred election expenses.

There are 7 registered political parties in Saskatchewan:

Buffalo Party of Saskatchewan (BPSK)

New Democratic Party, Sask. Section (New Democratic Party (N.D.P.))

Progressive Conservative Party of Saskatchewan (PC Party of Saskatchewan)

Saskatchewan Green Party (SGP)

Saskatchewan Party (Saskatchewan Party)

Saskatchewan Progress Party (Sask Progress)

Saskatchewan United Party (Sask United Party)

Constituency Associations

A constituency association supports a political party or an independent candidate at a constituency level in Saskatchewan. It is an organization formed at the constituency level to support and administer the party or independent member’s political activities.

To find out more about a particular constituency association, please contact the political party that it is associated with.